Episode 3: A Prayer about hearing the voice of God.

Godly Thyme Outs™ Podcast
Godly Thyme Outs™ Podcast
Episode 3: A Prayer about hearing the voice of God.

Surrendering and submitting to God to hear His voice is about cultivating and deepening your relationship with Him. It is the gateway to entering the secret place of prayer, abiding under the shadow of the Almighty, and it requires a heartfelt commitment to letting go of worldly desires, communing with God, and walking in God’s will. Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us that when we call upon God with sincerity, He answers and shows us great and mighty things. Surrendering to God is an act of trust and faith, recognizing that God longs for a relationship with us as much as we long for Him. By purifying our hearts, cleansing ourselves, and living a life free from double-mindedness, we create the inner space to discern, listen, and hear God’s guidance.

Join this prayer request session as we talk about the art of surrendering and submitting to God to hear and discern His voice and the secrets to praying and seeking God. Let us learn together and discover how we can cultivate and deepen our relationship with God, tune our hearts and minds to the voice of God, and allow his guidance to shape our lives.

Tune in!

Key Highlights from the Episode

[00:01] Episode intro and today’s prayer request

[01:31] Surrendering and submitting to God to hear his voice, Jeremiah 33:3, 29:13

[03:03] God sees and honors your desire to draw close to Him, James 4:8

[03:18] Cleansing yourself, purifying your heart, and getting out of a double-minded life

[04:33] How to pray, the secret place and abiding under the shadow of almighty God

[07:42] The will of God concerning you, 1st Thessalonians 5:16-17

[10:20] What it means to cultivate and develop a relationship with God

[11:38] Your opportunity to find God: Knowing and discerning the true shepherd’s voice

[13:24] Picking the word for the day from a box of verses

[14:30] Today’s question about what unconditional love means

[15:26] Ending the show and call to action

Notable Quotes
  • You have to surrender to submit yourself to God and hear His voice.
  • When you are calling and searching for God, God is searching and longing for you, too, and longing to bring you into his presence.
  • God’s will for you is to rejoice, pray without ceasing, and give thanks.
  • Jesus is able to save those who come to God through him.
  • God loves you and is holding you in his palms and protecting you from all evil.
  • The sacrifice that Jesus gave was unconditional; he, who was blameless, sacrificed for us all so we may have a connection with God.
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