Submit your prayer request using the form below.
Need Prayer ?
Please share as much as you would like according to your discretion. However, I do not need any deep details, but I would like to go to God regarding your request. Please trust that I approach all requests with a non-judgmental ear. Throughout the week, I review the requests and pray/ meditate. Often times, I receive additional words or guidance during my meditation to be given to the person. If your request is chosen, please note that I will publicly intercede on your behalf on this podcast. Anonymity will be enforced to conceal any identifying information that is given. The purpose of this intercession is to encourage other listeners that may be going through similar experiences in their lives. Thank you for your openness with regards to increasing the sphere of influence of Jesus. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. Additional details and directions about the episode will be given to you via email.