Episode 4: A Prayer about becoming Bold.

Godly Thyme Outs™ Podcast
Godly Thyme Outs™ Podcast
Episode 4: A Prayer about becoming Bold.

Being bold and courageous in Christ transcends mere bravery; it is a profound reliance on the power of God. To be bold with Christ is to acknowledge our dependence on Him, understanding that true boldness, courage, and power are sourced from a deep connection with God. It involves finding joy and strength in the Lord, expressing confidence in His faithfulness, and radiating the fruits of the Spirit in our actions. Being bold with Christ is a call and a command to embrace and share the good news, trusting that God’s perfection shines through our imperfections and His power through our weaknesses. Being bold and courageous in the Lord is not merely a command; it’s an invitation to live with unwavering confidence, knowing that, in Christ, we are made perfect and equipped for whatever we are called to accomplish.

Join this prayer request session as we talk about being bold, strong, courageous, and not ashamed of Christ. Boldness in Christ is not self-generated but is a divine impartation from a loving God who commands us to be strong and courageous. By dwelling in God’s presence, we invite His presence to dwell in us, receiving with it the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.

Tune in!

Key Highlights from the Episode

[00:01] Episode intro and today’s prayer request

[01:10] What being strong and courageous mean, Joshua 1:9

[02:30] Why we need God to be bold, strong, and courageous

[04:33] Dwelling in God’s presence and receiving the spirit of power

[05:55] What the joy of the Lord and strength means to us. Nehemiah 8:10

[07:30] Being confidence in God and what it means, 1 Chronicle 16:8-11   

[09:17] The fruits of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23

[10:02] Being bold and unashamed of God and the good news, Romans 1:16

[13:21] Picking the word for the day from a box of verses

[14:44] Today’s question: As a child, what did you want to be when you grow up?

[14:59] Ending the show and call to action

Notable Quotes
  • Being strong and courageous is a command from God.
  • God magnifies His strength in our weaknesses and exemplifies his courage in our cowardness.
  • God does not give you a spirit of fear but the power of love and a sound mind.
  • We’re not perfect, but God is perfect.
  • Do not be afraid or ashamed of the good news; be strong and courageous and share the good news with the world.
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