Episode 2: A Prayer about Pain.

Godly Thyme Outs™ Podcast
Godly Thyme Outs™ Podcast
Episode 2: A Prayer about Pain.

Sometimes, when we are in a lot of pain, we forget about God and focus only on finding ways to make the pain disappear, like using medicines or worrying too much. But we should remember to trust God to help us and not let the pain become more important than God. This is because making pain more important than God is like worshipping something other than God. We should believe that God can heal us, not just our bodies but also our hearts and minds affected by the pain.

Join this prayer request session as we talk about how sometimes we make pain more important than God in our lives and what we can do to heal in a godly way. We explore what God says about pain and His promises to heal us. Let us learn together and discover how God’s wisdom can help us find hope and healing.

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Key Highlights from the Episode

[00:01] Episode intro and today’s prayer request: Letting pain not be your idol

[01:24] The benefits of experiencing pain

[02:16] When pain becomes idolatry

[04:49] Key indicators that pain has become an idol to you

[06:57] What God has said about your pain

[11:28] Ways God may speak to you on ways to work on your pain

[16:22] Prophesying life in your dry bones of pain

[17:59] This episode’s encouragement for you

[18:54] Picking a word for the day from a box of verses

[21:16] Ending the show and call to action

Notable Quotes
  • Pain is a signifier of the fact that we are alive. It is also a warning of what we are doing wrong.
  • Sometimes, pain can be so magnified in our lives that it becomes idolatry. This happens when it clouds your mind and thinking. You then begin to worship that pain.
  • God may order you to do physical exercise to correct your pain.
  • While our body degenerates as we age, we are inwardly equipped by God to make this process smoother and less painful.
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